Seize the Life: Contemporary Writing and Painting

Huang Hung-Teh, Li An-Chen, Cheng Po-Tsung, Lin Yi-Hsuan

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"Seize the Life" - Contemporary Writing and Painting Exhibition Catalog
Artists from four different generations, using lines to express and capture the ever-changing flow of life and its meaning, the exhibition catalog in designed in the concept of a notepad, bringing together curators poetry like thought that depicts the artists’ sentiments, blank pages in between the exhibited work images inviting readers to become the co-author of the catalog.

Chief Editor|Sean C.S. Hu
Executive Editors|Coe C.P. Chiang, Vivian Liu, Huang Chien-Yu, Su Yu-An
Designer|Liu Ming-Wei
Photographer|Yang Chen-Hao
Translators|Huang Liang-Jung
Publisher|Wang Ko-Chen
Publisher|Double Square Gallery
Printer|Yuon Chi Printing Co., Ltd.
Published in|June, 2016
Language|Traditional Chinese, English
ISBN|978-986-91867-5-9 (Soft cover)
Price|NTD. 300

Please call 886-2-8501-2138 to purchase the catalogue